Image of drainage chamber and borehole.
The parameters that dictate the use of such a system are often determined by the underlying geology. It is no good setting such a system up to drain into a clay subsurface interface where it will not drain away. Clay is porous but not permeable. It will hold water but not let it move through it. This is also known as the hydraulic conductivity of a particular rock.
A good sandstone or fractured chalk can provide good mediums for such systems and there is a general guide to which rock formations drain and percolate most efficiently and a constant head permeability test in situ will determine how well your Soakaway is going to function.
The depth and diameter of a drainage / Soakaway borehole will vary upon the volume it has to process as well as the height of the water table below.
The Environment agency more often than not will have a say in what can and cannot be done as feeding into an aquifer that is being used locally as a water source is not good practice.
For more information please contact us.
Deep Borehole Drainage systems.
These deep borehole drainage systems are often incorporated where normal land drain systems are not possible. They are also often used as part of a road drainage system or as part of a modern sewage management system whereby the waste water is processed and then feeds to a chamber or sump which in turn drains into the borehole for it to be leached into the ground.